
error when attempting to build the engine

Opened this issue · 11 comments

when trying to build the engine I continuously run into this error:

[17/17] Linking CXX executable Release\gvox_engine.exe
resolve: C:\Users\pokec\Onedrive\Documents\GitHub\gvox_engine\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\applocal.ps1:162
Line |
162 | resolve($targetBinary)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Neither dumpbin, llvm-objdump nor objdump could be found. Can not take care of dll dependencies.

The error seems to be referring to this line in applocal.ps1:

Write-Verbose $($g_searched | out-string)

This issue seems to prevent it from generating and .dll files, so starting the .exe just spits out errors about missing .dll files

Could you please provide the whole build log?

It's complaining that there's no dumpbin, which absolutely should be a part of your Visual Studio installation. Could you ensure that you have dumpbin installed with Visual Studio or that your Visual Studio installation is not broken? If that's all set, try deleting the .out folder in gvox engine and try again.

I just tried again after repairing both my installations of Visual Studio (2019 and 2022), to no avail, how can I make sure i have dumpbin installed?

it should be in your Visual Studio location. That could be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\<version>\bin\Hostx64\x64 for whichever version of the Visual Studio build tools you have installed. I've never seen anyone have this specific issue before.

it really should be in the same directory as the other build tools that CMake selected for compilation. To be extra sure, you can check gvox_engine/.out/cl-x86_64-windows-msvc/CMakeCache.txt for the line that says CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=. This is the filepath for the C++ compiler. It should be the same folder as where dumpbin.exe is

I do have dumpbin installed, and the filepath seems to be completely correct, but the error persists regardless

trying to get this to build is pain lol

it makes no sense because it has the compiler but not dumpbin??? I would look up this error message to see if anyone else has experienced it. At this point, there's not really anything that I can do to help, as I can't reproduce the error

okay, np!

I had the same error, which seems to be an environment issue.
What fixed it was adding the folder containing the dumpbin executable (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\bin\Hostx64\x64) to my path variable.