
Representations for values

Opened this issue · 1 comments

IPR needs a representation for values. By values, I mean the objects that result from evaluation of prvalues.

IPR currently has representations for:

  • booleans
  • strings
  • nullptr
  • pointers-to-member

IPR does not currently represent:

  • integers
  • floats
  • records
  • unions
  • arrays

IPR expected clients to use string representation for literals ("universal representation"), but of course that works only in pre-C++03 era, not with compile-time evaluation. Options here range from taking dependencies on external libraries (such as GMP, but with more permissive license) to developing homebrew, purposely-tailored libraries.

aggregate values missing is an oversight. What is needed is not so much the notion of value than that of an "irreducible expression" (which includes values)