
Ubuntu 64-bit not found

Opened this issue · 2 comments

While running the Papilio-Loader_GUI when trying to load the Hello World image a message is displayed in the console window indicating that is not found. We did a bunch of digging and patching and got it to work though.

The solution was to rebuild the papilio-prog executable from source. Then we made a linux64 folder in the Papilio-Loader/Java-GUI/programmer folder and copied the contents of the adjacent linux32 folder into it. We then replaced the papilio-prog executable in the linux64 folder with the one we built from source. Lastly, we modified the file to change line 224 from:

programmerPath = new File(rootProgrammerPath, "linux32");


programmerPath = new File(rootProgrammerPath, "linux64");

We then ran to rebuild the class files for java, and launched the newly created local jar file by running java -jar papilio-loader.

Worked like a charm after that.

I'm having the same exact problem -- I'm on 64-bit Ubuntu 13.10.

The shared object exists here on my system: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

I'll see if I can fix it using vicatcu's solution. Thanks, vicatcu!

I followed vicatcu's instructions and everything seemed to work fine. In order to use papilio-prog from the command line, you will need to do the following:

sudo unlink /usr/local/bin/papilio-prog
sudo ln -s /opt/GadgetFactory/papilio-loader/programmer/linux64/papilio-prog /usr/local/bin/

The reason is that the install script still points the link to the 32-bit version. The java file that he mentions to edit is located here: Java-GUI/src/net/gadgetfactory/papilio/loader/