
Installation issue with Mac

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @CosmosGibson

It seems that you don't have the permission to install WasmEdge in your .profile folder.

Could you please run the following command line and let me know the output?

ls -alh ~/.profile


-rw-r--r--  1 xuanyuan  staff   144B Jul 12 09:24 /Users/xuanyuan/.profile
bash: line 574: /Users/xuanyuan/.zshrc: Permission denied

	Please see --help
	If issue persists make a trace using -V and submit it to

    * Failed to install WasmEdge

bash: line 574: /Users/xuanyuan/.zshrc: Permission denied

Please see --help
If issue persists make a trace using -V and submit it to

* Failed to install WasmEdge

same problem