
General question about xaml-wpf

wgeppert opened this issue · 9 comments

I was jumping into xaml-wpf with BetterExplorer the first time. Could somebody tell me how to change objects in design mode when somewhere in the background like File on backstage. How to bring it the the front? Is it Fluent-Ribbon I have to study or xaml-wpf in general?

I am not really understand what you want to do! Can you explain more in details? If you want to modify anything in design you have to know both xaml and fluent-ribbon.

I like to introduce user profile fields in the File section where you list informations and option. How to view this panel in design mode to insert new text fields for user profile data?

well in design mode is not possible. You have to edit directly the xaml. If you able to do that please consider post your modifications so it may be added to official repository

To be honest, I don't really understand what any of this is about... but okay. :)


he just want to visually edit backstage view. But is not possible!

Nope, it's not possible... Which I find rather unfortunate...

Thanks guys. Yes, it is pain in my a... to set the new features by xml and try and error. @dimitar - I would like to use your source in a commercial project. Could we discuss collaboration. please contact me on wgeppert - at - live - dot - de.

wgeppert : I suggest you to read this topic : #29
There hasn't been any legit answer about these licenses.

I don't understand what is "backstage view" or anything in this topic. lol

The backstage view is the view you get when you open the File Tab. It was a term that Microsoft created for Office 2010 (and we use the Office 2010 Ribbon in BetterExplorer).