
A script designed to expedite the grading process of 360 student codePen accounts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. npm i or npm install

To Run

In Terminal

node main.js grade


node main.js g


setup system link by running: npm link

gradecodepens grade


gradecodepens g


  1. Insert the class number (ex: 503)
  2. Insert the name of the project you want to find. Case sensitive.
  3. Open found projects in new tabs? (Y/N)
  4. Create spreadsheet? (Y/N)


This folder will contain a subfolder with the class number appended with a timestamp, inside of this folder you will have folders named after a students username/name and inside this folder the html and css content from each students project.


  1. NUMBER OF STUDENTS IN CLASS: total number of scholars in class
  2. NUMBER OF FOUND PROJECTS: total number of projects from that class that match the project you searched for
  3. NUMBER OF STUDENTS WHO DIDN'T SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT: total number of scholars who incorrectly named their project
  4. NUMBER OF REJECTED REQUESTS: total number of scholars who don't have any saved codePens
  5. DON'T HAVE SAVED/PUBLIC CODEPENS: usernames of scholars who don't have any saved codePens