Specializing in web development, primarily working with Typescript, ReactJS, NodeJS, GraphQL and PostgreSQL.
New York, NY
GainorB's Followers
- applerich
- Asher978AISG
- batermjMETA4ALL
- bitsondatadev@equijoinllc @trinodb @apache
- eust-w@ZStackio
- felixthechef
- francheska-guzmanCarolina, Puerto Rico
- HannahLDugan
- horusspade
- hossainamzadNew York
- ImtiazVisionUnited States
- InduprasadSRFICO
- itajenglish@ListedB
- jemarbatherHarvard University
- KyrieTM19
- mausconiParis
- mitchelsevereBrooklyn
- mmalamm
- mohamedsamaraCalifornia, USA
- naeohmi@Adobe
- NoahDrucker@Smartproxy
- playalltheway
- RajisteB
- RTSchrinerLT Productions
- RuslanTu
- Sandynism
- sebslon
- shubhamnagotaBangalore
- singerdmxGreat Seatte Area
- soshan10USA
- sykkickrep412
- Tech-J
- verejava
- yeyou4760
- ZohebShariffi