Coding exercise to make calls to Rest Api and parse data

Primary LanguageC#

Rest API - Hacker News

Coding exercise to make calls to Rest Api and parse data with C# using the powerfull and widespread Newtonsoft JSON library: http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/deserializeobject.htm.

Using Hacker News API (more info and samples: https://github.com/HackerNews/API).

With 2.6 million unique visitors per month, Hacker News (HN) has a huge audience of programmers and entrepreneurs. HN users submit interesting stories from around the web that are upvoted by other users. When a post receives enough upvotes it makes it to the front page.

Prints: IDs of top stories, raw data of the first story, deserialised object of the first story's data, deserialized first 5 comments, all jobs', shows' and asks' IDs listed on HackerNews and raw data of their first items.