Glitch/Bug between _FREEIMAGE/_COPYIMAGE/_MEM (Critical Error #308)
Closed this issue · 1 comments
As reported by RhoSigma at
Hi QB64 Team,
It seems I found a longstanding glitch/bug between _FREEIMAGE, _COPYIMAGE and the _MEM functions (probably _MEMIMAGE), which leads to an Critical Error #308 (memory has been freed).
The error happens, whenever _COPYIMAGE does use a handle, which was already used by another image earlier but which got freed in the meantime and hence is available for re-use. I could verify this error starting from the old SDL 0.954 version through different GL builts in between up to the latest GL development built available from
I've made a small program to show the issue. You also need the attached image or in alternative you may adjust the _LOADIMAGE line (3) to use any image on your system (must be at least 1024x768).
To get an understanding of the workflow, first read the comments right above the ModifyBrightness&() function (lines 37-40), then the comments in the main module (lines 14-26).
If you run the program as is, it will show the loaded image and wait for a keypress. When you press a key, it will do the _FREIMAGE and then the final ModifyBrightness&() call and will error out with #308 immediately. After that try to comment the _FREEIMAGE line !!OR!! commenting the _COPYIMAGE in ModifyBrightness&() and instead uncommenting the _NEWIMAGE/_PUTIMAGE pair (lines 63-67) and try again. It will work in both cases, a further keypress will then end the program.
'--- 1st show the original image ---
_TITLE "The original Image, press any key..."
ihan& = _LOADIMAGE("BeachGirl.jpg", 32) 'any image file (at least 1024x768)
IF ihan& >= -1 THEN ERROR 53 'file not found
SCREEN ihan&
'--- now make a darken cascade ---
_TITLE "Darken Cascade, press any key..."
dark& = ModifyBrightness&(ihan&, -0.15, 250, 70, 820, -1)
darker& = ModifyBrightness&(dark&, -0.15, 275, 95, 795, -1)
COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 200): PRINT "Used Handle: "; dark&: SLEEP
'--- With activated _FREEIMAGE the freed handle is re-used by the
'--- next _COPYIMAGE call done in ModifyBrightness&() called right
'--- below the _FREEIMAGE, but the handle in question obviously gets
'--- not correctly initialized by _COPYIMAGE, as the _MEM function(s)
'--- used later to iterate through the image do fail to work on it
'--- (Critical Error #308 (memory was freed)).
'--- If otherwise the _FREEIMAGE call is commented out, then it works
'--- with _COPYIMAGE, as a new clean handle must be used instead.
'--- In alternative it also works with activated _FREEIMAGE, but change
'--- the _COPYIMAGE in FUNCTION ModifyBrightness&() into a combination
'--- of _NEWIMAGE and _PUTIMAGE instead to make the image copy.
darkest& = ModifyBrightness&(darker&, -0.15, 300, 120, 770, -1)
SCREEN darkest&
COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 200): PRINT "Used Handle: "; darkest&: SLEEP
'--- done ---
'This function is a cutout from 'QB64Library\IMG-Support\',
'which is part of my Libraries Collection. It takes a source image handle
'and returns a modified image in a new handle usually made with _COPYIMAGE.
'This seems to fail, if for the copy an old (freed) handle is re-used.
' ModifyBrightness -- Brightness adjustment, keep alpha
' newImg& = ModifyBrightness& (shan&, change#, minX%, minY%, maxX%, maxY%)
' change# -- must be between -1.0 and 1.0 (clipped)
' This changes the general brightness of the image. The smaller the
' value is the darker the image becomes. 0.0 means no change.
' The alpha channel of the source image is retained and copied 1:1.
FUNCTION ModifyBrightness& (shan&, change#, minX%, minY%, maxX%, maxY%)
ModifyBrightness& = -1 'so far return invalid handle
IF shan& < -1 THEN
'--- get source image size and a copy of the image ---
swid% = _WIDTH(shan&): shei% = _HEIGHT(shan&)
'--- This works only, if a new handle must be used,
nhan& = _COPYIMAGE(shan&)
'--- and this works for both re-used and new handles
'nhan& = _NEWIMAGE(swid%, shei%, 32)
'_PUTIMAGE ,shan&, nhan&
'--- check selected processing area ---
IF minX% < 0 OR minX% >= swid% THEN minX% = 0
IF maxX% < 0 OR maxX% >= swid% THEN maxX% = swid% - 1
IF minY% < 0 OR minY% >= shei% THEN minY% = 0
IF maxY% < 0 OR maxY% >= shei% THEN maxY% = shei% - 1
'--- process copied image ---
IF nhan& < -1 THEN
'--- build histogram transformation table ---
IF change# < -1.0# THEN change# = -1.0
IF change# > 1.0# THEN change# = 1.0
REDIM hist%(255)
FOR i% = 0 TO 255
v% = FIX(i% * (change# + 1.0#))
IF v% < 0 THEN v% = 0: ELSE IF v% > 255 THEN v% = 255
hist%(i%) = v%
'--- for speed we do direct memory access ---
DIM nbuf AS _MEM: nbuf = _MEMIMAGE(nhan&)
'--- iterate through pixels ---
FOR y% = minY% TO maxY%
noff%& = nbuf.OFFSET + (y% * swid% * 4) + (minX% * 4)
FOR x% = minX% TO maxX%
'--- get pixel ARGB value from source ---
_MEMGET nbuf, noff%&, orgb~&
'--- modify pixel components ---
newA% = _ALPHA32(orgb~&) 'ignored (put through)
newR% = hist%(_RED32(orgb~&))
newG% = hist%(_GREEN32(orgb~&))
newB% = hist%(_BLUE32(orgb~&))
'--- put new pixel ARGB value to dest ---
nrgb~& = _RGBA32(newR%, newG%, newB%, newA%)
_MEMPUT nbuf, noff%&, nrgb~&
'--- set next pixel offset ---
noff%& = noff%& + 4
'--- cleanup ---
ERASE hist%
'--- set result ---
ModifyBrightness& = nhan&
Simpler sample to detect same error (SMcNeill, same thread as indicated above):
IF ihan& >= -1 THEN ERROR 53: END 'file not found
SCREEN ihan&
dark& = _COPYIMAGE(ihan&) 'make a copy
m = _MEMIMAGE(dark&)
PRINT _MEMGET(m, m.OFFSET, _UNSIGNED _BYTE) 'just print the first byte of info to show we can access memory from the image
darker& = _COPYIMAGE(dark&) 'make a copy of the copy
_FREEIMAGE dark& 'free the first copy
m = _MEMIMAGE(darker&)