A terraform module to create AWS instance with Squid in normal proxy mode
- Require AWS provider
- Require initialization of provider and corresponding ENV variable setting
See installation section below for more details
- name [String] - name of resource
- ami [String] - AMI to sue for the instance
- subnet_id [String] - Subnet ID
- instance_type [String] - type of the instance
- security_groups [String] - security group to start instance in
- max_servers [String] - how many identical servers to start
- proxy_port [String] - proxy port to listen on
- key_name [String] - name of the SSH key
- key_path [String] - path of the SSH key to deploy on host
- public_dns [String] - Full FQDN name for the instance(s), possibly list
- public_ips [String] - List of the public IPS associated with instance(s)
- private_ips [String] - List of the private IPS associated with instance(s)
- Beforehand, you will need to have SSH RSA key available at the default location :
This key is going to be used later to connect to the instance where TFE will be running.
- Prepare AWS auth credentials (You can create security credentials on this page.) To export them via env variables, execute in the command line :
- AWS provider init :
provider "aws" {
profile = "default"
Check examples folder
- update main README