
Rolling and rolling shortcuts

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Add the following for rolling dice:

  • <Dice> argument: Accepts a string and converts it into a Dice object. If a Statted is supplied to the command, then any variables matching a stat that the creature has shall be replaced with that stat, otherwise the variable shall be replaced with 0.

  • /roll <Dice> command to roll dice, shall accept any stat supplied, supplementing with 0 if the user's active character does not have that stat or has no active character.

  • Internal /roll <Statted> <Dice> Same as above, except used internally to roll for a Statted which is not the users current active character

  • /check <Ability|Skill> [<Dice>] command to quickly roll checks, shall fail if the user has no active character

  • Internal /check <Statted> <Ability|Skill> [<Dice>] Same as above, except used internally to roll for a Statted which is not the users current active character

  • /save <Ability|"Death"> [<Dice>] command to quickly roll saves, shall fail if the user has no active character

  • Internal /save <Statted> <Ability|"Death"> [<Dice>] Same as above, except used internally to roll for a Statted which is not the users current active character

  • /roll as <Statted|User> <Dice>

  • /check as <Statted|User> <Ability|Skill>

  • /save as <Statted|User> <Ability|Death>