
Permanent Attachments

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Is it possible to make attachments permanent?

Yep see here

Although this has not been tested in years so let me know how you go.

Should I use sql to make this happen?

Because although I changed it to "true" it didn't save my attachments.

It should use the sqlite database that ships with garrysmod. What game mode are you trying this with? I'll see if I can reproduce it

Thank you so much for trying to help :) I really appreciate that.

I don't use any sql server and trying to use this vendor in "darkrp" gamemode.

Testing locally without a dedicated server I'm not able to reproduce this issue. Did you change addons/cw2-fas2-weapon-attachment-vendor-master/lua/attachment_vendor/configs/sv_attachment_vendor_config.lua to look like this?

ATTACHMENT_VENDOR.persistent = {
   enabled = true,  // Should bought attachments be saved to a database?
   module = "sqlite",// What database module should be used? (CURRENTLY ONLY SQLITE WORKS)
   auth = {          // Authentication for a remote MYSQL server (CURRENTLY NOT USED)
      host = "localhost",
      port = 3306,
      user = "root",
      pass = ""

Also I forgot to ask what weapon pack/s you are using so I can test that those actually work.

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Okay I guess it's working. I'm using normal CW 2.0 pack and some additional weapons such as AEK-971, HK 416, etc.

I have one more question.
I want to create upgraded versions of weapons like legendary ar-15, rare ar-15 with new stats for each rarity.
Do you know such plugin that'll allow me to do that?

Glad to hear its working.

Unfortunately I haven't followed mods for Garry's Mod in a long time and am unable to help you with that.