
Netflix's homepage is tagged as Hentai but porn sites aren't

SkyfallWasTaken opened this issue · 4 comments

The model flags the netflix homepage image as NSFW ({"hentai":71,"drawing":23,"porn":3,"neutral":1,"sexy":0}) but flags Pornhub's homepage as SFW and a drawing ({"drawing":64,"hentai":25,"neutral":8,"porn":1,"sexy":0})

That's strange! however, I've done a test with NSFWJS on two advanced models an they both got it right


When you mention Pornhub's homepage, what resolution?

There will def be false positives, but please supply links when you find issues. I'm building a larger dataset to fix any false-positives in the future.

Hey, thanks for the reply!
Pornhub's homepage:

So I think the problem is that it's the entire webpage at once. And when you size that screenshot down to 224x224 (the dimensions that the AI reads) it's too small to see NSFW content at high confidence.

I think the last comment explains the problem here, so closing.