
Verify downloaded files

mbwgh opened this issue · 1 comments

mbwgh commented

Some of the videos I downloaded were not downloaded correctly, and I ended up with corrupted files that cut short in the middle of playback.

This was a while ago however, and I can't remember if PFERD showed an error or not.

In any case, would it be possible/reasonable to have the crawler compare file sizes in addition to timestamps before deciding whether to (re-)download some file? Ideally, something like a hash would be compared, but that's unlikely - I'm not even sure the file size comparison is possible.

This should come with a --[no]verify flag or similar, in case that this has a significant performance impact.

Pferd v3 should retry on partial or corrupted downloads, so this problem shouldn't occur any more (I hope). If you do encounter it again, feel free to reopen this issue.