
Video Download not working

JannikEmmerich opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried to download videos using the videos = yes config value for the kit-ilias-web crawler but unfortunately, it didn't work. No videos were downloaded. Also, there were no errors printed. Any idea what's going on there?
My config:

type = kit-ilias-web
auth = auth:ilias
target = desktop
videos = yes
on_conflict = no-delete
tasks = 1
http_timeout = 60

If PFERD does things you don't understand you can use the --explain option when running it and it will tell you in detail why it does or does not do certain operations.

Parsing HTML page for '4010231 – Computergestützte Datenauswertung/Online-Vorlesungen'
  Page is a video listing, searching for elements
  Found ILIAS video frame page, fetching actual content next
Parsing HTML page for '4010231 – Computergestützte Datenauswertung/Online-Vorlesungen'
  Disabled pagination, retrying folder as a new entry
Parsing HTML page for '4010231 – Computergestützte Datenauswertung/Online-Vorlesungen'
  Page is a video listing, searching for elements
Crawled     '4010231 – Computergestützte Datenauswertung/Online-Vorlesungen'

It's crawling for the videos but for some reason, it's not finding any. Also in the .report file, the videos are not listed.

It's crawling for the videos but for some reason, it's not finding any. Also in the .report file, the videos are not listed.

I've had the same issue, if ILIAS is set to english, PFERD had issues finding the video files in the past. This should have been fixed in the latest release though

I hope it was fixed then :) If not, feel free to re-open this issue.