
How to crawl multiple courses at once

funnym0nk3y opened this issue · 4 comments

As far as I understood one need to add a specific crawler for each course, right? There is no way of assigning multiple course ids to a crawler, right?

Correct. You can define multiple crawler in a single config though (or make a crawler with the desktop target to crawl your favorites).
Have a look at the Example.

Thanks for the reply!
Well, that is unfortunate. Due to the online semesters I'm a member of many courses, so downloading desktop is not an option. I also like to differentiate between courses I take, which I mark as favorite, and courses I want to save for later. But maybe I need to think about the setup a little longer.

You can just add multiple crawlers in the config and run pferd without any arguments (or your config path if it is in a non-standard location) and it will run all of them? You can also filter it down with pferd -C <name1> -C <name2> which will only run crawlers name1 and name2.

I don't quite understand the problem :)

Actually there is no problem anymore. It took some time until I really understood how the config works.