
"Rotate Polygons" button causes crash to desktop

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Version: 0.93
Also tested 0.91.02 but could not replicate, so this issue seems new.

CrashLog.txt: CrashLog.txt

Issue/replication: In Polygon mode, select Rotate Polygons after highlighting at least one face. Witness crash to desktop. Alternatively, this issue can also be triggered by first selecting Rotate Polygons without any target face(s) and then attempting to select one.

P.S. v0.93 looks super, can't wait to try it out more!

I'm unable to reproduce this crash. Can you think of any other steps you might have taken?

Also please paste the contents of your Preferences.json file (open in any text editor)

Wish I could provide more detail, but much like 0.91.02 I simply extracted the version into a folder, ran the .exe, and loaded the same GNS files as I was working on with the previous version. I also just tried MAP folder files ripped straight out of the ISO too to make sure, but I hit the same result.

Here's the preferences.json file:

  "ShowFps": true,
  "ShowUnknownValues": false,
  "LoadFolder": "G:\\Game Data\\FFT\\Colosseum Maps\\MAP",
  "PanningSensitivity": 1.0,
  "RotationSensitivity": 1.0,
  "ZoomStrength": 1.2,
  "InvertedPanning": false,
  "InvertedRotation": false,
  "RenderAlphaAsSemiTransparent": false,
  "AllowBackfaceSelection": false,
  "HighlightSelectedPoly": true,
  "TexturePreviewShowUnselectedUvs": true,
  "TexturePreviewShiftArrowDistance": 20,
  "TranslateAxisControlSpeed": 0.33,
  "PolygonTransparencyForTerrainEditing": 0,
  "TerrainTransparencyForTerrainEditing": 100,
  "TerrainTransparencyForPolygonEditing": 0,
  "TerrainColorForPolygonEditing": {
    "X": 0.0,
    "Y": 1.0,
    "Z": 1.0
  "RenderPolygonsInLightingMode": false,
  "IsolateMeshes": false,
  "SwapCameraControls": false,
  "AutoSaveEnabled": true,
  "AutoSaveDuration": 10,
  "RenderFftOrtho": false,
  "HideHiddenPolysByFacing": false,
  "PlaysScriptedTextureAnimations": false,
  "ExpandCompassToTerrainLength": true,
  "AutoMapRatio": 0.679,
  "HideNormalIndicators": false,
  "NormalIndicatorLength": 50,
  "ShowGameViewOverlay": false,
  "HideRedTiles": false

Same issue, opened the editor, selected a polygon, hit the rotate button, then instant crash.

You specifically have to select a polygon right as you open the program and a map, then immediately hit the rotate polygons button.

If you hit the rotate polygons button without selecting anything it seems to fix the problem, as changing tools, then selecting a polygon, and finally selecting the rotate polygons button again no longer crashes the program.

Thanks for the info! I've fixed the issue (along with some other stuff) and added a new version of GDX to the Releases tab.