
Add DeadTalk and Livin Talk and Spectate Mode

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Sodak commented

Simple in the Title:

Can you add some hooks that u cannot talk to the living while ure dead and maybe a spectate mode for AFK People where there get switched to spectator.

And Pls add the Flaregun today i saw a server added the flaregun into his gamemode.
It slows down the killer and start to ignite him while hes slowed.

the igniting of the killer is purely cosmetic, i'm sure
the revolver already stuns the killer

Sodak commented

Yeah the revolver stuns, i saw the nmrih flaregun if u shoot the flare pops out if u hit the killer he gets ignite and slowed if u hit a survivor nothing will happen. just a nice weapon for use. because we need more weapons now i work on the compund bow to make a slow too

This is not Friday 13th

Sodak commented

I try to use this code.. idk if this work:

`function PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice( ply, rec )
if ( !ply:Alive() ) and ( !rec:Alive() ) then -- If they are both dead they can hear each other.
return true
elseif ( ply:Alive() ) and ( rec:Alive() ) and ( rec:GetPos():Distance( ply:GetPos() ) < 500 ) then -- If they are both alive and is the distance under 500 they can hear each other.
return true
else -- If they are not either both alive or dead then they can't hear each other.
return false

hook.Add( "PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice", "PlayerStartedTheirVoiceChat", PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice)`

this hook has to been run serverside...

i cannot test if it works

Sodak commented

OK WORKS... ADD this into the game and deactive sv_alltalk 0 on the server