
Understand build/testing problems

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There are several issues here, possibly:

  • setting up the dependencies takes a long time:
    • for this we should use dependency caching inthe workflow
  • pip struggles to resolve some dependencies and takes forever
    • this sucks but the only way to get around this may be to find a working combination of pinned versions
    • pinned versions are terrible as they force everyone else who wants to combine their code with gatenlp to use those versions as well, which may lead to conflicts
    • but for just the build and tests run, we could use pinned versions in the github requirements only

Helpful docs:

Create outer new env, python 3.7

Test pipreqs

python3 -m venv env001
source env001/bin/activate
python -m pip install -u pip
pip install pipreqs
mv requirements.txt pipreqs-requirements.txt

Test pip-tools:

pip install pip-tools
cp requirements-github.txt pip-tools-requirements.txt
pip-compile pip-tools-requirements.txt

This shows that there are incompatibilities: importlib-metadata is required by 8 packages!
The problem seems to come from flake8 which requires a version less than 4.3 but ray needs version ge 4.8.3

There are also incompatibilities related to dill coming from tner vs allennlp vs multiprocess

For now we should be able to live without testing tner, but flake8 is important.
See if we can just use pyflakes instead: by far not as useful, but lets use it for now!

Using the requirements file created from pip-tools, copied to requirements-github.txt

This has been fixed now.