Supermarket Checkout System

This Python module provides functionality to run a supermarket checkout system either with a graphical user interface (GUI) or in a non-GUI mode. It utilizes the Checkout and PricingRule classes from the checkout module.


  1. run_gui(pricing_rules)

    • Description: Runs the supermarket checkout system with a graphical user interface (GUI).
    • Parameters: pricing_rules - A dictionary containing pricing rules for different items.
    • Returns: None
  2. run_non_gui(pricing_rules)

    • Description: Runs the supermarket checkout system in non-GUI mode.
    • Parameters: pricing_rules - A dictionary containing pricing rules for different items.
    • Returns: None
  3. main()

    • Description: Main entry point of the program.
    • Parameters: None
    • Returns: None


To run the supermarket checkout system, execute the script with the following options:

  • To run in GUI mode: python gui
  • To run in non-GUI mode: python

Ensure that the required dependencies are installed before executing the script. The GUI mode requires Tkinter to be installed, while the non-GUI mode does not have any external dependencies.


To build the Docker image for the supermarket checkout system, run the following command:

docker build --no-cache -t my-image .

To run the Docker container with GUI support, use the following command:

-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw

Ensure that X11 forwarding is enabled on your system to display the GUI.

## Testing

The functionality of the supermarket checkout system can be tested by executing the provided test cases. Run the following command:

This command will run the unit tests defined in the `` file to ensure that the checkout system functions correctly.

## Dependencies

- `sys`: Standard Python module for interacting with the Python interpreter.
- `checkout.Checkout` and `checkout.PricingRule`: Classes from the `checkout` module for implementing supermarket checkout functionality.
- `tkinter`: Required for running the GUI mode. Ensure Tkinter is installed in your Python environment.
- `supermarket_gui.GUI`: Class for implementing the graphical user interface. Imported from the `supermarket_gui` module.

## Notes

- Additional items and pricing rules can be added to the `pricing_rules` dictionary as needed.
- The `` script can be customized or extended to suit specific requirements.
- Ensure that the Python interpreter has permission to execute the script and that all necessary files are accessible.