
Sending custom web schemes

nre226 opened this issue · 5 comments

So far this has been an awesome repo. Unfortunately, I am trying to do something perhaps a little outside of the scope and wanted to see if there was any guidance anyone could supply. Instead of web addresses like I need to access something more similar to where variable is going to be a multitude of different strings. Is there any way to set up a gateway that can adjust to a multitude of base urls or does it have to be completely static?

In the current version of the lib wildcard subdomains are not supported, but it does look like API Gateway now supports them. I'll consider this integration in the next version of the lib 😄

That would be fantastic. Thank you!

Hi @nre226, after some further research it looks like this is not possible via the version of ApiGateway we are using (HTTP), but only in their other offering (Rest)😢

Is this possible now?

Hi @sachinjsd, sadly this is not possible under the current implementation.