
Unable to download video

mittster opened this issue · 3 comments

If you try to view a video, the response has status code 500 with message {"message": "Internal server error"}

You can try it out with this sample:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gateway = ApiGateway("", regions=["regionhere"], access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY_ID, access_key_secret=ACCESS_KEY_SECRET)

    session = requests.Session()
    session.mount("", gateway)

    response = session.get("")
    print(response.status_code) // this prints 500

    # Delete gateways

Also tried with:

Any idea whats going on? It seems that default aws gateway configuration does not support video.

Hi! Thank you for raising this issue. I'll look into this shortly 👍

Hi @mittseter, after some investigation it looks like this is the result of API Gateway having a hard response size limit of 10MB.
However, in your case, this can be mitigated via the HTTP Range header. For example, you could iterate through requests starting with Range: bytes=0-9000000, then bytes=9000000-18000000 etc.
Please let me know if this works for you? 😄

Should have came back to the post sooner :D I came to the same conclusion. Thanks