
buzzer.h not found (A10M)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to build latest commit from this repo for the A10M on Arduino IDE 1.8.5.
I get the following error:

sketch/stepper.cpp:57:20: fatal error: Buzzer.h: No such file or directory
 #include "Buzzer.h"

Please advise on how to solve this problem.

Check to see if Buzzer.h exists. Arduino recommended version: 1.8.5/1.8.7

It does not exist. I already solved the problem in the pull request I linked.
There is a spelling mistake in the include: it should be lower case "buzzer.h" instead of "Buzzer.h".

Please have a look at the pull request and accept it if you think the quality is good:

Are you familiar with "pull requests"?