
How to disable "slideshow duration" for videos?

nanpuhaha opened this issue · 2 comments

using Dynaframe v2.19 on buster rasbian

I want to play each videos until the ends, but it play videos only first 30 seconds and skip to next.
The 30 seconds looks like Slideshow duration between slides (ms).

How to disable the slideshow duration for videos only?

So, if assets are like below, then each duration I want is on the right.

1. photo1.jpg      ->  30 sec
2. video1min.mp4   ->  1 min
3. photo2.png      -> 30 sec
4. video2min.mp4   ->  2 min

Currently this is in a rough state. 2.23 has the fix for this, but it may bring other issues..I've not promoted it as 'released' because I haven't heard enough feedback on testing of it yet to consider it such (and I know there are some playlist bugs from moving to a database lurking in there).
2.19 is my latest that is reasonably stable, but I don't have the feature in there. Further, video playback is broken and will need to be re-engineered thanks to the Raspberry pi foundation moving away from OMXPlayer. so good answer. working on it.