
Question: react-native-plotly library

narduzzi opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm new to Vue Native and I'm trying to use the Plotly.js library for react-native with expo.
However, I can't find a way to display the graph.

My question is :

  • is this library supported ? I don't have compilation errors.
  • How can I use the Plotly component from react-native?

My code is the following :

            <nb-h2>Top text</nb-h2>
                <plotly data="somedata"></plotly>
            </view >
            <nb-h3>Bottom Text</nb-h3>

    import Plotly from 'react-native-plotly';

    export default {
        data: {
            somedata: {"x":[1, 2], "y": [1, 2]},
        components: {
            plotly: Plotly
        mounted:function () {


Thanks for your help!

Solution : the view holding the plotly graph needs to have a height.