
Creative tab cannot open

Acry49 opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue description

When i open creative tab, security craft mod will make client crashes

I have allready this conflict in logs :

[19Apr2024 19:16:17.870] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN] [mixin/]: @reDIrect conflict. Skipping securitycraft.mixins.json:camera.ServerPlayerMixin->@reDIrect::securitycraft$tick(Lnet/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer;DDDFF)V with priority 1100, already redirected by railways-common.mixins.json:conductor_possession.ServerPlayerMixin->@reDIrect::railways$securitycraft$tick(Lnet/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer;DDDFF)V with priority 1200

And when i search "Camera" in ftb quest on edit mode, the game crashes too, i think something wrong with the camera or railways and security craft

Steps to reproduce

I can share you the modpack if u want

Minecraft version


Forge version


SecurityCraft version


Other relevant versions



If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)

No response

Duplicate of #500. The mixin errors are unrelated and not necessarily something to worry about.