
Call to a member function getIconUrl() on null

naja7host opened this issue · 11 comments

whe the icon is empty , the fallowing error appear in error reporting is true .

plz, add example playlist

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="MEDI 1 SAT" tvg-logo="" group-title="ARABIC",MEDI 1 SAT

the same for set icon url

There is no tag EXTTV.
If there is no tag, it will be NULL.

possible fix:

use M3uParser\Tag\ExtTv;

$extTv = new ExtTv();

i think this related to ExtInf ?
may be we need to add support for this also like Eexttv .

I don't understand (
Can you tell us in more detail.

From you tag file extinf the example exist

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name=Первый_HD tvg-logo="Первый канал" deinterlace=4 group-title="Эфирные каналы",Первый канал HD

the actual class didn't recognise the logo of the title , only it return the name with getTitle() function . so to get the logo no exist any cal for it .

we need something like this

Ahh, Yes, now not supported tvg attributes.

any way to see it implemented ?

It takes time and desire =)

Created a task to implement a attributes #8 .
