
Reading of files with more than one . in the name fails

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I tried to read a file called test.dose.fvi and got the following error:

../omicabelnomm -p inputfiles/pheno.fvi \
    -g inputfiles/test.dose.fvi \
    -c inputfiles/covar.fvi -o test
-p Reading phenotypes from file inputfiles/pheno.fvi
-g Reading with genotype data from file inputfiles/test.dose.fvi
-c Reading covariates from file inputfiles/covar.fvi
-o Writing output files to test
OmicABELnoMM v0.1.0

Error reading file: inputfiles/test.fvi

After renaming the file to test_dose.fvi (and test_dose.fvd), OmicABELnoMM worked.