Links in the PDF are wrong
Opened this issue · 3 comments
In the PDF file the link domain is wrong ( instead of Also in the Table of Contents they should allow you to move through PDF, instead of opening the correspondent section on the site.
The former is my bad, I generated the PDF from localhost. Will fix.
The later... I'll look into.
The links can sort of be fixed by printing with
google-chrome --host-resolver-rules="MAP" --headless --print-to-pdf-no-header --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw --print-to-pdf="./gdb.pdf"
The links in printable should probably be anchor links instead of domain ones though.
The problem is still present.
Also, single document PDF file has always implied that internet is not needed to read it, so unless it's meant to be external 'URI which points to internet', it's rather internal document link. Content table is ideal demonstration - these links shall be internal ones, as it is content index for same file.
I agree with @CoolDotty hint that instead of full URLs it might be only anchors based on use of hash sign.