enquirywitch matches new branding for GI
Closed this issue · 2 comments
enquirywitch is being moved to a new site with updated styles
Acceptance criteria
- styles reflect new branding
well I'm glad the first thing I did was delete all the styles and try to embed it into the rails app because there's a fun descovery
SyntaxError at /
syntax error, unexpected backslash, expecting ']'
... ^
/home/unicorn/projects/gi-matrix/app/components/enquiry_witch_component/enquiry_witch_component.html.erb:1673: syntax error, unexpected backslash, expecting ']'
The regex int he script is looking for some templating templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g
which erb tries to parse. So I need to investigate how to combine the export with rails as I want to style it in place.
after much experimentation and with string manipulation and encoding issues I have settled on this solution
<%= raw(render file: 'app/views/contact/_enquiry_witch.html', content_type: 'text/html') %>
I've realized that the feedback loop for styling in twine is going to be awful and that if I style it independently I risk having to redo it when it interacts with the rails app.
I think what will be more efficient will be to strip styles from the twine story and then add a styles sheet that targets it in the rails app.