
There is no C:\Users[YOURUSER]\Documents\Anno 2205 folder

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I've been trying to install the mod, but there is no "Anno 2205" folder in my Documents folder at all.
I've started the game many times and played for many hours, but this folder does not exist, so I'm unable to find engine.ini anywhere (also not anywhere else on the entire drive)

I'm on Win11

Anyone has this situation?

Not sure if this is just W10 or all of them but running this in the Win + R box will show the folder even if you can't find it manually.
more research and testing will be needed to double-check, but I am still on a W10 rig due to missing a part it needs for W11.
%appdata%\Ubisoft\ANNO 2070\Config\Engine.ini

Yes, I have that one, but that's for ANNO 2070, not ANNO 2205.
There is not single folder on all my drives anywhere for 2205.

What's more strange is that I could swear that I've setup this Revolutions mod at least once before (like in a past couple of years) and I clearly remember editing the Engine.ini file then.
This was probably in some previous version of Windows.