
Minor code typo in Section 2.3: Convert to Spatial Data

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In these code chunks, the methadoneClinics data frame is both piped to geocode() and in the first argument of geocode(). Did you mean to go with just the former or just the latter?

geoCodedClinics <- methadoneClinics %>%
geocode(methadoneClinics, address = 'fullAdd',
lat = latitude, long = longitude, method = 'cascade')

geoCodedClinics <- methadoneClinics %>%
geocode(methadoneClinics, address = 'fullAdd',
lat = latitude, long = longitude, method = 'cascade')

Or is there something I missed? seems to have rendered without error. I am only getting the errors when I run the code locally.

That's an error - you can just use it in the first argument of geocode(). Will update the script shortly. Thanks for the catch.