
[create database user] fails with "the python psycopg2 module is required

Opened this issue · 3 comments

During the postgis install, the playbook fails. I've verified that psycopg2 is installed on the server by manually trying to "apt-get" install the python-psycopg2 package. Returns that package is already the most recent. Installing on Ubuntu 16.04 on a Digital Ocean droplet.

Can you please share your playbook so we can reproduce?

-hosts: all
- role: GeoNode.geonode'

in my hosts file I have set:
ansible_python_interpreter= /usr/bin/python3

Brand new Droplet, no users created.
I've had trouble formatting these posts. That should be three dashes or one dash, not dots.

I was able to reproduce this on a fresh install of 18.04.3 Server (EnGB & OpenSSH), though re-running the playbook cleared the error...

- hosts:
    app_name: my_geonode
    github_user: GeoNode
  - { role: geonode.geonode }


Does it install the package if it errors? I'll have to look into the role code

I've always added a package section at the top of a playbook, but I see python-psycopg2 is in the section install PostGIS

Run from Fedora 31 with Ansible 2.9

Now I'm here