
FEATURE REQUEST: Add automatic swipes (carousel) ?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

FEATURE REQUEST: Add automatic swipes (carousel) ?

n1ywb commented

do you mean have a timer that fires swipes periodically? the element already inherits selectNext() and selectPrevious() from IronSelectableBehavior so you can just call those from a timer function. One caveat is it will animate the wrap-around transition the wrong way, it will animate all the pages sliding back to the first page like a stack instead of sliding directly to the first page like a proper carousel. I hacked in a kludge to make it animate properly on a 3 element list but you'll need to improve it to make it work with more than 3 elements n1ywb@cef18da

yeah, ideally we could expose the functionality through the API. Something like this,
