R interface returns NaN for volume computation
Closed this issue · 4 comments

Originally posted by @NehaAr in #236 (comment)
@NehaAr I moved this here since it is a different issue. Please add input in plain text to let others reproduce the issue. Also this could be helpful https://medium.com/nyc-planning-digital/writing-a-proper-github-issue-97427d62a20f
When reproducing a Vpolytop of dimension (25*5) , the R interface returns NAN for volume. The data was taken from issue #236. Also , if you try to compute the volume of Vpolytop P using the volume command , the Rstudio crashes
This should be fixed in new Rvolesti repository https://github.com/GeomScale/Rvolesti where installation is straightforward and there is not need to generate a directory that has the CRAN structure. If the issue persist please open an issue in Rvolesti repository.