Cannot create IfcAlignmentCant
eihov opened this issue · 2 comments
I would like to create a IfcAlignmetCant object. To create a IfcAlignmentVertical object is easy, then I use the following method:
When I want to create IfcAlignmetCant I cannot do this the same way since the constructor for IfcAlignmentCant that only takes "database" does not exist:
Is there is a different way I cant create IfcAlignmentCant, or could this constructor be implemented? I see that there is a second constructor that takes ifcLinearPlacement and GradientCurve, is this the correct constructor and how do I use this? When I use the constructor without arguments then the IfcAlignmetCant object will not show up in the Ifc file (since it is not connected to the database?)
I am quite new to Ifc and GeometryGym, so any help is very appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Eirik Hovind
Hi Erik,
Thanks for raising this question. In general, it's best to use the constructors with multiple parameters, these are typically the "mandatory" attributes that need to be provided.
I take it you're testing the IFC4x3RC schema? This has an improved cant definition.
Here's some snippet of code to generate a basic (single alignment in horizontal, vertical and cant). There are other overloaded constructors for some of these concepts. Let me know if it helps,
DatabaseIfc db = new DatabaseIfc(ReleaseVersion.IFC4X3_RC2);
db.Factory.Options.AngleUnitsInRadians = false;
db.Factory.Options.GenerateOwnerHistory = false;
IfcRailway railway = new IfcRailway(db) { Name = "Test Railway", Guid = new Guid("{BD25606D-4F14-44EC-909B-F094D89D93E6}") };
IfcProject project = new IfcProject(railway, "Chardon Bridge Road, Ceder Creek Replacement", IfcUnitAssignment.Length.Metre) { GlobalId = "2VgFtp_1zCO98zJG_O3kln" };
IfcCartesianPoint alignmentOrigin = new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0);
railway.ObjectPlacement = new IfcLocalPlacement(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(alignmentOrigin));
IfcAlignment alignment = new IfcAlignment(railway) { Name = "TestRailwayAlignment", GlobalId = "1F78QPlVv6N9AnnF$LSkp$" };
alignment.ObjectPlacement = railway.ObjectPlacement;
//IfcCartesianPoint alignmentOrigin = new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1000, 2000, 3000);
IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment arcSegment = new IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment(new IfcCartesianPoint(db,0,0),0, 1200, 1200, 300, IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegmentTypeEnum.CIRCULARARC);
IfcCompositeCurve horizontalCurve = null;
IfcAlignmentHorizontal alignmentHorizontal = new IfcAlignmentHorizontal(alignment.ObjectPlacement, 0, out horizontalCurve, arcSegment);
alignmentHorizontal.GlobalId = "0sEEGBFgr289x9s$R$T7N9";
IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment verticalSegment = new IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment(db, 0, 300, 123, 0.0004, 0.0004, IfcAlignmentVerticalSegmentTypeEnum.CONSTANTGRADIENT);
IfcGradientCurve gradientCurve = null;
IfcAlignmentVertical alignmentVertical = new IfcAlignmentVertical(alignment.ObjectPlacement, horizontalCurve, 0, out gradientCurve, verticalSegment);
alignmentVertical.GlobalId = "2YR0TUxTv75RC2XxZVmlj8";
IfcAlignmentCantSegment cantSegment = new IfcAlignmentCantSegment(db, 0, 300, -0.044, 0.044, IfcAlignmentCantSegmentTypeEnum.CONSTANTCANT);
IfcSegmentedReferenceCurve cantCurve = null;
IfcAlignmentCant alignmentCant = new IfcAlignmentCant(alignment.ObjectPlacement, 1.5, new List<IfcAlignmentCantSegment>() { cantSegment }, gradientCurve, 0, out cantCurve);
Hi, thanks for the information!
Yes, I am exploring the new IFC4x3RC schema. With your example I managed to export a basic alignment with cant. I also explored the other overloaded constructors for alignment that includes the IfcCurve in the constructor. I noticed these constructors also automatically set the shapeRepresentationCurve.
With all the information it is easy to get a bit lost, but now it makes more sense!