AR/MR/VR is the future, and 3D model is the basics of all of them.
- Babylon.js WebGL; TypeScript; JavaScript
- dat.guiVR@dataarts JavaScript; GUI; WebVR; three.js
- draco@google C++
Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics.
- Fusee JavaScript; C#; C++
Fusee aims at becoming a multiplatform 3D realtime engine with a strong emphasis on content transformation and manipulation.
- gpu.js GPU; JavaScript
- JSModeler@kovacsv
A JavaScript framework to create and visualize 3D models.
- three.js@mrdoob JavaScript
- jsfeat JavaScript
- tracking.js JavaScript
A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web.
An open-standards augmented reality platform for the web
- jsartoolkit5
- three.js; WebARonARCore; WebARonARKit; JavaScript; GLSL
- WebARonARCore Google; ARCore; Android
- WebARonARKit Google; ARKit; iOS; Objective-C; JavaScript
- aframe web framework; JavaScript
- Hologram Framework | All-in-one WebVR creation. CoffeeScript
- react-vr@facebook react; JavaScript
- aframe-xr WebXR; A-frame; JavaScript
- HolographicAcademy Holographic; Holograms; Academy; code asset
- Mixed-Reality-JS@dbradleyfl HoloLens; JavaScript
- MixedRealityToolkit (MRTK) HoloLens; Toolkit; C
- MixedRealityToolkit-Unity HoloLens; Toolkit; Unity; C#
- Terminator-Vision@gdfonda HoloLens; HUD; HoloToolkit; C#; UWP