
Test no2

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Test no2

Hi there @GeorgianaElena 👋!

I closed this issue because it was labelled as a support question.

Please repost this on the forum (where most of the people who hang out here also hang out, as well as more people).
We are trying to streamline the different discussion places and want to use the issues on GitHub repos for technical discussions on how to change the contents of the repo.
More general discussions should go to Discourse so that they are easier to find, better indexed by google and generally more accessible than being hidden in the bowls of a GitHub repository 😃


Hi there @GeorgianaElena 👋!

I closed this issue because it was labelled as a support question.

Please help us organize discussion by posting this on the forum.
Our goal is to sustain a positive experience for both users and developers. We use GitHub issues for specific discussions related to changing a repository's content, and let the forum be where we can more generally help and inspire each other.

Thanks you for being an active member of our community! ❤️
