
[Code Challenge] API Service built in Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Find your service challenge

Local environment setup

Requirements: Docker.

  • Copy .env.example to .env and modify if needed
  • Execute in the main root of the project docker-compose up
  • Then in another terminal you need to execute docker-compose exec php bash you will be prompetd to a terminal.
  • In the php terminal, you need to execute composer install.
  • Then execute php artisan migrate
  • This step is optional if you need dummie data php artisan db:seed --class=DummieDataSeeder

Configure Laravel Passport:

  • Execute php artisan passport:install and copy the token from the ID 2.
  • Copy the token into your .env file.

You should have something like this:




After running the docker compose up you will find the API into the host:


  • To execute unit testing run docker-compose exec php ./vendor/bin/phpunit


  • Postman collection and environment are located into docs/api-docs

Frontend application

The repository can be found clicking here