
Palette for Content Elements

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After updating from mask 7 to mask 8 i get this error.
It starts displaying with 8.0.1

(1/1) #1629711093 InvalidArgumentException
The field "header" is in multiple elements. Please specifiy the element key.


in /.../typo3conf/ext/mask/Classes/Definition/TcaFieldDefinition.php line 269
        // if inlineParent is an array, it's in a palette on default table
        if (!empty($this->inlineParentByElement)) {
            if ($elementKey === '') {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The field "%s" is in multiple elements. Please specifiy the element key.', $this->fullKey), 1629711093);

            if (!isset($this->inlineParentByElement[$elementKey])) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The field "%s" does not exist in element "%s".', $this->fullKey, $elementKey), 1629711055);
at MASK\Mask\Definition\TcaFieldDefinition->getInlineParent()
in /..../typo3conf/ext/mask/Classes/Definition/TableDefinitionCollection.php line 220
        // Traverse tables and find palette.
        $nestedTcaFields = new NestedTcaFieldDefinitions($elementKey);
        foreach ($searchTables as $tableDefinition) {
            foreach ($tableDefinition->tca as $field) {
                if (!$field->hasInlineParent($elementKey) || $field->getInlineParent($elementKey) !== $parentKey) {
                // Check if FieldType is available
                if ($field->hasFieldType() && $field->getFieldType()->isParentField()) {
at MASK\Mask\Definition\TableDefinitionCollection->loadInlineFields()
in /.../typo3conf/ext/mask/Classes/Helper/InlineHelper.php line 146

When i remove the Platte from:


it works again

example JSON File

    "version": "7.2.0",
    "tables": {
        "tt_content": {
            "elements": {
                "carousel_slider": {
                    "color": "#000000",
                    "colorOverlay": "#000000",
                    "columns": [
                    "description": "",
                    "descriptions": [
                    "icon": "",
                    "iconOverlay": "",
                    "key": "carousel_slider",
                    "label": "Carousel (Slider)",
                    "labels": [
                    "shortLabel": "",
                    "sorting": 3
            "palettes": {
                "tx_mask_42f614e9a658b": {
                    "description": "",
                    "label": "",
                    "showitem": [
            "sql": {
                "tx_mask_interval": {
                    "tt_content": {
                        "tx_mask_interval": "int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"
                "tx_mask_item": {
                    "tt_content": {
                        "tx_mask_item": "int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"
            "tca": {
                "header": {
                    "coreField": 1,
                    "description": {
                        "carousel_slider": "in der Webseite nicht sichtbar",
                        "flyout": ""
                    "fullKey": "header",
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": {
                        "carousel_slider": "tx_mask_42f614e9a658b",
                        "flyout": "tx_mask_8a349a58e970b"
                    "key": "header",
                    "label": {
                        "carousel_slider": "",
                        "flyout": ""
                    "order": {
                        "carousel_slider": 1,
                        "flyout": 1
                    "type": "string"
                "tx_mask_42f614e9a658b": {
                    "config": {
                        "type": "palette"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_42f614e9a658b",
                    "key": "42f614e9a658b",
                    "type": "palette"
                "tx_mask_interval": {
                    "config": {
                        "default": "3000",
                        "eval": "required,int",
                        "range": {
                            "lower": "2000",
                            "upper": "10000"
                        "size": "5",
                        "slider": {
                            "step": "500",
                            "width": "400"
                        "type": "input"
                    "description": {
                        "carousel_slider": "in ms"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_interval",
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": {
                        "carousel_slider": "tx_mask_42f614e9a658b"
                    "key": "interval",
                    "label": {
                        "carousel_slider": "Interval"
                    "order": {
                        "carousel_slider": 2
                    "type": "integer"
                "tx_mask_item": {
                    "config": {
                        "appearance": {
                            "enabledControls": {
                                "delete": 1,
                                "dragdrop": 1,
                                "hide": 1,
                                "info": 1,
                                "localize": 1,
                                "new": 1,
                                "sort": 1
                            "levelLinksPosition": "top",
                            "showAllLocalizationLink": 1,
                            "showNewRecordLink": 1,
                            "showPossibleLocalizationRecords": 1,
                            "useSortable": 1
                        "foreign_field": "parentid",
                        "foreign_sortby": "sorting",
                        "foreign_table": "--inlinetable--",
                        "foreign_table_field": "parenttable",
                        "type": "inline"
                    "ctrl": {
                        "label": "tx_mask_text"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_item",
                    "key": "item",
                    "type": "inline"
        "tx_mask_item": {
            "palettes": {
                "tx_mask_0c3325f5d9fbc": {
                    "description": "",
                    "label": "",
                    "showitem": [
                "tx_mask_8f68b46e91ad2": {
                    "description": "",
                    "label": "",
                    "showitem": [
            "sql": {
                "tx_mask_img": {
                    "tx_mask_item": {
                        "tx_mask_img": "int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"
                "tx_mask_pref": {
                    "tx_mask_item": {
                        "tx_mask_pref": "varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
                "tx_mask_text": {
                    "tx_mask_item": {
                        "tx_mask_text": "mediumtext"
                "tx_mask_title": {
                    "tx_mask_item": {
                        "tx_mask_title": "varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
                "tx_mask_typ": {
                    "tx_mask_item": {
                        "tx_mask_typ": "varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
            "tca": {
                "tx_mask_0c3325f5d9fbc": {
                    "config": {
                        "type": "palette"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_0c3325f5d9fbc",
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_item",
                    "key": "0c3325f5d9fbc",
                    "order": 3,
                    "type": "palette"
                "tx_mask_8f68b46e91ad2": {
                    "config": {
                        "type": "palette"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_8f68b46e91ad2",
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_item",
                    "key": "8f68b46e91ad2",
                    "order": 1,
                    "type": "palette"
                "tx_mask_img": {
                    "allowedFileExtensions": "gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,tiff,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai,svg,webp",
                    "config": {
                        "appearance": {
                            "collapseAll": "0",
                            "elementBrowserEnabled": 1,
                            "enabledControls": {
                                "delete": 1,
                                "dragdrop": 1,
                                "hide": 1,
                                "info": 1,
                                "localize": 1,
                                "sort": 0
                            "expandSingle": 1,
                            "fileUploadAllowed": 1,
                            "useSortable": 1
                        "foreign_table": "sys_file_reference",
                        "maxitems": "1",
                        "minitems": "1",
                        "type": "inline"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_img",
                    "imageoverlayPalette": 1,
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_0c3325f5d9fbc",
                    "key": "img",
                    "label": "Bild",
                    "order": 1,
                    "type": "file"
                "tx_mask_pref": {
                    "config": {
                        "type": "input"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_pref",
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_item",
                    "key": "pref",
                    "label": "Subline",
                    "order": 2,
                    "type": "string"
                "tx_mask_text": {
                    "config": {
                        "enableRichtext": 1,
                        "type": "text"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_text",
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_0c3325f5d9fbc",
                    "key": "text",
                    "label": "Beschreibung",
                    "order": 2,
                    "type": "richtext"
                "tx_mask_title": {
                    "config": {
                        "type": "input"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_title",
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_8f68b46e91ad2",
                    "key": "title",
                    "label": "\u00dcberschrift",
                    "order": 1,
                    "type": "string"
                "tx_mask_typ": {
                    "config": {
                        "default": "h2",
                        "fieldWizard": {
                            "selectIcons": {
                                "disabled": 1
                        "items": [
                        "renderType": "selectSingle",
                        "type": "select"
                    "fullKey": "tx_mask_typ",
                    "inPalette": 1,
                    "inlineParent": "tx_mask_8f68b46e91ad2",
                    "key": "typ",
                    "label": "Headline Type",
                    "order": 2,
                    "type": "select"

Thanks for the report. I can confirm the bug.

Fixed in version 8.0.3

Hey, I just released another version 8.0.4, which fixes the root cause of the problem. 8.0.3 was just a workaround. If there are any issues, please answer here or create a new ticket. That would be very helpful, thanks!