Add counts of resources by format to search results page
Opened this issue · 6 comments
Currently, the search results page shows dataset results with the resources in them by format. These resources are represented by icons showing the format. Currently, the number of icons represents the number for resources, for example, when there are three CSVs in the dataset, there are three CSV icons. This is visually confusing, redundant, and cluttered. We'd like instead for it look more like the DKAN1 implementation, where there is a single icon, and if more than one resource of a type exists, then we see the number with an x before the icon. for example: 3x(CSV icon)
Acceptance Criteria
When I search for datasets
And I see the search results page
And there is a dataset with multiple resources of the same format
Then I see that represented as (number)x(format icon)
Working downstream on Marine Scotland
Working upstream (1.9.x branch) :
##Estimate: 3
@dharizza the change got merged upstream, which I have confirmed. If you have a chance to checkout that would be great?
Hi @dharizza Could you please review this ticket or let me know when you're planning on reviewing it? Thanks!
Sorry haven't been able to review this. If it is not ready when I come back, then I'll check it out.
@alexiscott to confirm how to handle this for the 2.x version.
Moved to the backlog because we need to check with Alex if the 2.0 implementation aspect of this ticket needs to be tracked in the Support or in the Product board.