Any Erlang code using `integer_to_binary/2` fails to link against a derived trait method in `radix_fmt`
KronicDeth opened this issue · 2 comments
KronicDeth commented
Any Erlang code using integer_to_binary/2
fails to link against a derived trait method in radix_fmt
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 _$LT$radix_fmt..Radix$LT$isize$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$::fmt::h9d7627ed4ffb494b
-import(erlang, [binary_to_integer/2, display/1, integer_to_binary/2]).
start() ->
duals() ->
duals(2, 36).
duals(MaxBase, MaxBase) ->
duals(Base, MaxBase) ->
duals(Base + 1, MaxBase).
dual(Base) ->
display(36 == binary_to_integer(integer_to_binary(36, Base), Base)).
KronicDeth commented
I'm not sure why it says _$LT$radix_fmt..Radix$LT$isize$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$::fmt::h9d7627ed4ffb494b
because that's not a proper mangled Rust symbol name. Mangled Rust symbol names start with _ZN<NumberOfCharacters>
. The proper format is __ZN68_$LT$radix_fmt..Radix$LT$isize$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$3fmt17h9d7627ed4ffb494bE
, which demangles to _<radix_fmt::Radix<isize> as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
bitwalker commented
Closing this because it is almost certainly not an issue anymore, as much has changed since this was initially reported, but if it comes up again we can reopen