3090003, unsatisfied_authorization
leocll opened this issue · 2 comments
leocll commented
This mistake has been bothering me all day. I saw other issues about it, but none of them solved the problem. Help me, I will be grateful.
- Net config
const network = Network.fromJson({
chainId:'5fff1dae8dc8e2fc4d5b23b2c7665c97f9e9d8edf2b6485a86ba311c25639191' // <-- this is the 麒麟测试
- Code
const options = { authorization:[`${this.account.name}@${this.account.authority}`] };
const completed = res => { console.log(res) }
const abi_ = {
"____comment": "This file was generated with eosio-abigen. DO NOT EDIT ",
"version": "eosio::abi/1.1",
"types": [],
"structs": [{"name": "hi","base": "","fields": [{"name": "user", "type": "name"}]}],
"actions": [{"name": "hi","type": "hi","ricardian_contract": ""}],
"tables": [],
"ricardian_clauses": [],
"variants": []
eos.setabi(this.account.name, abi_, options)
// eos.contract('eosio.token').then(contract => {
// contract.transfer(this.account.name, "leoclltest12", '1.0000 EOS', "ceshi", options)
// .then(completed).catch(completed);
// })
- Error
"message":"Internal Service Error",
"what":"Provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations",
"message":"transaction declares authority '{"actor":"leoclltest14","permission":"active"}', but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [], provided keys ["EOS5ZcMvpgtDMdVtvCFewAQYTyfN6Vqhg4kdgauffx3jiaKaeWfY1"], and a delay max limit of 3888000000 ms",
leocll commented
The transfer can be successful, but setcode and setabi will report the error.
// transfer, successful
eos.contract('eosio.token').then(contract => {
contract.transfer(this.account.name, "leoclltest12", '1.0000 EOS', "ceshi", options)
// setabi, error
eos.setabi(this.account.name, abi_, options)
// setabi, error
eos.contract('eosio').then(contract => {
contract.setabi(this.account.name, "0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e31000102686900010475736572046e616d6501000000000000806b02686900000000", options)
nsjames commented
Closing in favor of GetScatter/scatter-js#126