
<FlatFeed /> is not working in the <NavigationContainer> due to Expo and @react-navigation/native-stack version issue.

rushabhOrdex opened this issue · 6 comments

  • iOS or Android? => Both
  • Expo or regular React Native? => Expo
  • React Native Version => 0.64.3
  • expo-activity-feed Version => 1.1.1
  • getstream Version =>7.2.11
  • @react-navigation/native Version => 6.0.6
  • @react-navigation/native-stack Version => 6.2.5

Describe the bug
Currently, we are using with StackNavigator
When we add to App.js It Throw error as below. My Expo version is:- 43.0.2

Error: Couldn't find a navigation context. Have you wrapped your app with 'NavigationContainer'? 
See for setup instructions.

If I remove NavigationContainer then FlatFeed loads in-app but I need it for routing.

When I tried same application with below Expo Version and Expo dependencies version it is working.

Note:- It is not working with @react-navigation/native-stack I had to use @react-navigation/stack package to have the Stack Navigation.

  • React Native Version => ~0.63.4
  • Expo Version => 40.0.0
  • expo-activity-feed Version => 1.1.0
  • getstream Version =>7.2.11
  • @react-navigation/native Version => ^5.8.10
  • @react-navigation/stack Version => ^5.12.8

So, is the Expo 43.0.2 is not compatible with the getstream and <FlatFeed /> to use them inside <NavigationContainer>?
If that is the case do we need to downgrade Expo version and dependencies of it?
Please advise.


downgrading to version 1.1.0 works on Expo 44 make sure your package.json isn't including 1.1.1 also remove the ^ if it's there to force it to use the 1.1.0 version

Any movement on this? Has anyone identified the issue enough to where the community could patch this? Seems kinda silly to have to downgrade the version in order to get this to work considering that the main functionality of the package is to integrate with Stream's API. We handle our own Navigation on our end....

I'm not sure if anybody is working on this, but over here we decided to eject from Expo, build our own components to display the list of activities, and handle getting feeds/activities with a custom web Api.
Maybe this will be handled in a future version of GetStream? 🤷

Yeah we're actually not using Expo, we're on React Native directly and still running into this issue. We would prefer to not write custom front-end API's for the actual fetching of the activities so that we can put more of our focus and attention on the Activities themselves.

getting this issue on "expo": "^45.0.0" and "expo-activity-feed": "^1.1.1",