
2 ChatChannelListController filter

Closed this issue · 2 comments


What did you do?

I have 2 different ChatChannelListControllers with their own filters.
I have a currentController variable that I synchronize according to the tab I'm displaying.

func tabTapped(_ index: Int) {
        guard index < controllers.count else { return }
        currentController = controllers[index]
    private func synchronise() {
        guard let controller = currentController else { return }
        controller.synchronize { error in
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self, error == nil else {

handleController() just map channel of my currentController to fit my format.
I got delegate to handle newMessage and update my list:

extension ChatListInteractor: ChatChannelListControllerDelegate {
    func controller(_ controller: ChatChannelListController, didChangeChannels changes: [ListChange<ChatChannel>]) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
    func controller(_ controller: DataController, didChangeState state: DataController.State) {
        print("didChangeState \(state)")

What did you expect to happen?

Chatlist update correctly on the right tab

What happened instead?

I receive a new message on the tab not displayed, but the channel appears in my list displayed because currentController returns the channel. I don't know why my filter is ignored at this point.

To sumup: My controller returns a channel that it shouldn't since there's a filter.

GetStream Environment

GetStream Chat version: 4.61.0
GetStream Chat frameworks: StreamChat, StreamChatUI
iOS version: 17.5.1

Additional context

if I change tabs and come back everything's fine, I've concluded that I need to synchronize my controller. I can not do that on didChangeChannels method of the delegate without an infinite loop so I tried to use EventsControllerDelegate instead of ChatChannelListControllerDelegate but I still got the issue

extension ChatListInteractor: EventsControllerDelegate {
    func eventsController(_ controller: StreamChat.EventsController, didReceiveEvent event: StreamChat.Event) {
        switch event {
        case _ as MessageNewEvent:

I tried with only one controller. And my filter is ignored when I receive a new message. I forgot to tell you that it's a filter on an extra data value

I fix my problem by using filter like in this doc
But it is quite strange that filters work on first synchronize method but not on update.