
doesnt delete events

Opened this issue · 3 comments

i opened by mistake 2 Teams and made an event. Since then i fail to delete one of this events permanently. It looks like an backup brings the deleted event and Group back in regular basis. I tried to delete the event, the rule to repeat it every 2 weeks and the team. Only the team looks like it was deleted.
Here the ghost event which is haunting me:

thanks for help

I'm having this issue too. My local group pub meet is (obviously) suspended right now, but I keep having to log back in each month to delete it.

There's no way of seeing what I assume is an event set up as recurring in the past that recreates it.

If it's a recurring event it will say so in the event information, above the day and time. That will be a link to view the recurring info, and from there if you're the host you can delete it

Dang it, I guess I have to wait for it to create another recurring event because I just deleted this week's event (again), and now I can't find the place to edit the recurring info.