
Can't disable Dynamic Scenes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Love this component, adds a little color and style to the normal sliders !

My problem is with scenes, I cannot set a static scene, no matter what I do it always starts as Dynamic.
I made the scene non-dynamic in Hue app, still nothing.

type: custom:hue-like-light-card

  • light.table_light
  • entity: scene.living_room_day
    activation: hue.activate_scene
    dynamic: false
    transition: 10
    brightness: 255

This is my sample config for a light and the attached scene that's NOT dynamic in Hue app and (based on the documentation) setting the activationData.dynamic to false should NOT start it as dynamic, but it still does, no matter how I play with this config, it's always dynamic.

I test the dynamic setting on the light with this template:
{{ states.light.table_light.attributes.dynamics }}
If it's static it displays "none", if it's dynamic it displays "dynamic_palette".
It's always "dynamic_palette"...

I even tried changing between hue.activate_scene and scene.turn_on - same result.

Is there something I'm missing ?
Do I have to make this in the old manual way ? (calling a script on scene activation and let the script decide how to turn on the lights)

Well, tried it on a new HA container (isolated basic HA instance) and it worked... So after a file check saw the .js as write protected and an older version... strange...
A reinstall of the component fixed the issue, now it works as expected.