
hue-screen popup doesn't work with Touch HID on Surface Go Running Windows 11

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Weirdly it does work perfectly running Android 12 on the same device

and it works on windows 11 when I use a mouse pointer HID

Test device is a Surface Go 1 and a surface Go 2
Test Browser is Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Firefox

Same Issue for me with Surface Pro 6.

When using the mouse and not the touchscreen it works just fine.

Gh61 commented

Sadly this is known issue (#160), it will be resolved with #167

unfortunately this did not fix the problem
type: custom:hue-like-light-card area: 829d23948f6844f0a15e2a14e4318e23 icon: mdi:sofa tap_action: hue-screen hold_action: more-info double_tap_action: more-info

Gh61 commented

The issue is still open, it is planed to the next release.