
Can I invoke the hue-screen functionality from other cards? [API]

Greenphlem opened this issue · 8 comments

I love this card, but I'm not a fan of how small the slider is. My solution would be to use a Mushroom light slider, but when I tap, I would like the hue-screen for that light entity to show up, is that possible ?

Gh61 commented

The only way I can think of right now is to create some public API function(s) that will be available on the window object.
Then you would need to call this function from other component (possibly with tap_action?).

Because I need access to hass (periodically updated) object and ideally allow some configuration, you would still need to create card (possibly in some new hidden mode).

All in all I see this possible, but as it's extended feature and not a simple task, the priority is very low.

If more users will want this functionality, the priority can raise, but right now I see this in some distant version.

I was searching exactly for this option. Would love to see a coop with Mushroom :-)

Would be a great enhancement.
Like it !