
Vertical list of lights (old Hue app style)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for making this excellent card!

Personally, I much prefer the interface from the old Hue app where lights in a group were laid out vertically rather than horizontally. I find it faster to use since you can show more lights in the interface without having to scroll, and I like being able to quickly adjust brightness using the sliders.


Would it be possible to add a setting to use this layout? It could reuse the UI component for the main card.

Hi, thank you.

This is interesting idea, but it does mean creating completely different hue-screen which is a lot of work.
Also I don't have the hue app version, where I can test the interaction.

Also, there are many features, that are not yet implemented and thus have much bigger priority.
I'll leave this issue open for now, but I don't think it will be resolved in the near future, maybe never.

Would you be open to a PR if I find the time to implement it?

I'd prefer not to. As this has to be a lot of changes and new stuff and I'm afraid it would be pain to come to some mutual agreement about design, code style, etc.
There are also some prerequisites, which are not yet implemented (colorpicker for multiple lights).
But feel free to fork this card and make changes you like.

This is exactly what I came here for. Much prefer the vertical stack of entities than the carousel or sliding row.